Weathered plaster, peeling paint on the door, sagging steps, remnants of writing on the walls. Each bears the trace of a moment, a fragment of time.
Humanity has experienced similar fears with each new technology. Just as with the industrial revolution, the internet, and automation processes, artificial intelligence initially creates uncertainty and concern.
The Istanbul Sehir Hatlari Ferry gliding between the two sides of the Bosphorus offers mesmerizing images filled with reflections and overlaps. The silhouettes inside the ferry blend with the magnificent scenery of the Bosphorus.
You count the things that are countable. You only see with your eyes. You only possess with your touch. Indeed, all your beautiful words are a lump in my throat. All the things you lay before me are nothing like embroidered cloths; they, day by day, resemble curtains of gray fog.
The sun tells a different story every moment with its own cycle on the wall it touches. The wall goes beyond being a physical boundary and becomes a mind map that reveals the interactions of time and culture.
Suggesting that the presence of an object can make a space emptier than mere emptiness could ever dream of might be one of the most valuable insights into Anish Kapoor's work. This quality of extreme, generative emptiness can be seen throughout his work.
To see contemporary people inside historic buildings is a confusion we get used to rapidly. In historical surroundings, we swiftly grow accustomed to seeing buses, electric poles or traffic lights.
For vitamin D, sun bathe twice a week, for inspiration, eye bathe a little each day, for tiredness, foam bathe once a month... On this deck where high-speed train lines intersect and even higher-speed planes pass by...
Intimate Experiences, Emotional Witnesses, and The Patchy Representations...
The story of the transformation of a factory building into the city's living room!
In 1931, the last International Colonial Exposition of the world was opened in Paris. It was one of a series of colonial expositions that were held in France in the 1920s and 1930s, as France sought to reassert its colonial presence in the wake of World War I.
The shrill echoes of Toni Morrison's "Whose house is this?" can be clearly heard, the moment she realizes that her entire universe has abruptly turned its face to the opposite wall, which is now her own house of fiction, her own house of memories, her own house of light and shadow has become the house of darkness, the house of dumbness and the house of suffocation.
Işıl Kalpkırmaz Rızaoğlu wrote about Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22, where students came together to compete for a more livable future.
Stavros Stavrides demonstrates how the emergent practices of commoning are responding to coronavirus pandemic with collectivity, cooperation and solidarity.
COVID-19 pandemic reminds us the need for a permanent urban planning approach for public health with a multi-disciplinary approach.
Melis Uğurlu commentates on her unique experience of Elephant West, a gallery that relieves visitors from the fatigue of white cubes