Pakistan born, lives in Istanbul. 2016, graduated from KTU Architecture Department. 2021, completed master's program in History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture at Bilgi University. Currently continues another master’s in Sociocultural Anthropology at Istanbul University. As a researcher, he strives to navigate the intersections of architecture, social sciences and the humanities. His interests can be considered as autobiographical methodologies that follow spatial storytelling, translocation, boundary, home which later yearns for the possible collectivity. His obsession is to find out a definite understanding of engagements or perhaps an act of Intra-Action, that encompasses the formation of relationships, to all forms of thing(s) by coming together.
The shrill echoes of Toni Morrison's "Whose house is this?" can be clearly heard, the moment she realizes that her entire universe has abruptly turned its face to the opposite wall, which is now her own house of fiction, her own house of memories, her own house of light and shadow has become the house of darkness, the house of dumbness and the house of suffocation.
Intimate Experiences, Emotional Witnesses, and The Patchy Representations...
Suggesting that the presence of an object can make a space emptier than mere emptiness could ever dream of might be one of the most valuable insights into Anish Kapoor's work. This quality of extreme, generative emptiness can be seen throughout his work.