Exploring "Rhythm" at Festival des Architectures Vives 2024
The vibrant city of Montpellier, France, is set to host the Festival des Architectures Vives 2024 from June 11th to 16th. Against the picturesque backdrop of Montpellier's historic streets and buildings, the festival will showcase a dynamic dialogue between art, sport, and architectural discipline under the captivating theme of "Rhythm". With a diverse lineup of international talent and a firm commitment to sustainability, the Festival des Architectures Vives 2024 invites visitors to explore the harmony between body, performance, and structure through bold architectural installations.
Since 2006, the Festival des Architectures Vives has been offering the public an immersive exploration of Montpellier's architectural treasures - its private mansions. By transforming little-known historic spaces with contemporary architectural installations, the Festival encourages dialogue between past and present, tradition and innovation. Each installation is created by teams of young architects.
2024 theme: Rhythm
In this Olympic year of 2024, the Festival des Architectures Vives is dedicated more than ever to exploring the links between architecture and movement, in a celebration of the harmony between body, performance, and structure. Under the captivating theme of "Rhythm", the Festival plunges into a dynamic dialogue between art, sport, and architectural discipline, inspired by the philosophical foundations of the modern Olympic Games established by Pierre de Coubertin, who sought to extend the thinking of Greek philosophers that body and mind are inseparable.
This 18th edition of the Festival, from June 11-16, 2024, promises a unique immersive experience in the heart of Montpellier, featuring bold architectural installations that embody the creative pulse of our times.
The teams: Diversity and Balance
From over 80 applications received, the selection committee chose 11 teams representing a rich balance of national and international talent. With a firm commitment to parity, this year FAV welcomes 27 architects (13 men and 14 women), a testament to diversity and inclusivity, core values of the festival.
Environmental Commitment
The Festival des Architectures Vives reaffirms its commitment to sustainability by implementing a rigorous environmental charter. In partnership with Mas Réemploi, the Festival encourages the use of recycled materials and creative reuse in the design of installations. Each team will receive support in reducing its carbon footprint, with the option of drawing on Mas Réemploi's online catalog for their material requirements. Then, when the project is de-installed, the partner will collect the materials and put them back into the reuse circuit.
Mas Réemploi will carry out a carbon assessment of the installation to evaluate its environmental impact, and an environmental prize will be awarded for the most innovative approaches.
Teams and projects:
- OSCILLATIONS - Vincent Bizot & Nicolas Boucher (Paris / Strasbourg - France)
- COURS TOUJOURS - Clarisse Cheung (Paris - France)
- RHUBARB - Atelier DARN: Simay Çağ, Peker Ayan & Bilge Kobak (France - Italy)
- KIRIGAMI FLAME - Luis Menendez Sanchez (Quito - Ecuador)
- SOLSTICE - Léa Bekhazi, Quentin Brion & Benjamin Maylin (Montpellier / Toulouse - France)
- POLYRYTHMA COLOMNA - Julien Blatteau (Marseille - France)
- ‘人’: Álvaro González Serrano & Jennyfher Alvarado Figueroa (Madrid / Pamplona - Spain)
- À VOS BRIQUES - MAMA: Marine Manchon, Hilda Aguırre Leon & Belen Alvarez Moreno (Barcelona - Spain)
- DIVAGATIONS - Collectif LEM: Elsa Colin, Marc El Samrani & Lydia Amara (Nice / Paris - France)
- LE PLUS - Le plus: Alexander Vic & Marie Albouy (Paris - France)
- PRÉLUDE - Kollektiv Von Null: Janis Schiefer, David Biegl, Lucia Neumann, Inês Abreu, Salvatore Bullara, Theresa Noeke (Germany / Austria)