The Power of Collectivity
Using local materials and community construction, Casa Ensamble Chacarrá provides a place for art and education in a neighborhood where hundreds of families displaced by the internal conflict in Colombia live
The Colombian architecture office Ruta 4, together with Club Activo 20-30, La Morena TV, Scouts and Litro de Luz have realized “Casa Ensamble Chacarrá” project in Pereira, Colombia. The neighborhood is characterized by the violation of human rights and made by populations of different regions of the country. With emphasis in use of local materials and community construction, the project seeks to be “a place for diversity and culture” in the neighborhood where hundreds of families live now after being displaced by the internal conflict of the country. With support of several groups of the city and with the community workforce, the project triggered a movement like a civil action for the construction of a symbolic space and a scene for the education and the arts.
Its composition is the testimony of local materials and technologies, using barrels of oil as spread footings, guadua triangles like structure, esterilla like the building skin and zinc sheets on the roof. Between simple anchorages and systematic processes, it gets up supported by tripods. A triangle of shining light symbolizes the memory of the power of the collectivity.