Can Altay investigates the functions, meaning, organisation and reconfigurations of public space. His "settings" provide critical reflection on urban phenomena and artistic activity. Focusing on ‘narrative devices’ and ‘spatial instruments’ his work traverses sculpture, photography, design and installation, and is staged and manifested through the spaces, exhibitions and publications he co-produces. His work has been shown in Biennials of Istanbul, Havana, Busan, Gwangju, Marrakech, Thessaloniki, Taipei, Yinchuan; group exhibitions include Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), ZKM (Karlsruhe), Artists Space (New York), and SALT (Istanbul); and solo exhibitions in Istanbul, London, Berlin, Bristol, and Bilbao. An Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Bilgi University, Altay is also currently the Head of Department of Interior Design. Between 2012-2019 Altay was the Head of Department of Industrial Design, where he established a critical curriculum based on his experiences in contemporary art, architecture and the urban context. Resulting in a body of student work that challenges the norm especially with regards to contingencies of locatedness and production methods in design education.
Invited by the Department of Interior Design at Istanbul Bilgi University, Prof. Graeme Brooker, Head of Interior Design at the Royal College of Art, London was in Istanbul for workshop and public talk. Looking at Radical Heritages, the workshop focused on a Han in Eminönü, while the public talk at SALT Galata presented a broader overview and positioning for the future of interior design. Can Altay, Head of Interior Design at Istanbul Bilgi University, who hosted Brooker in Istanbul has interviewed him on how interior design, as a spatial discipline deals with the existing spaces, and its role in the future of the built environment (or the world as we know it).