Nursery: 1,306 Plants for Timişoara
Within the frame of Timisoara 2023 European Capital of Culture, the proposal Nursery: 1,306 Plants for Timişoara, designed in collaboration with MAIO Architects, Studio Nomadic, and Studio Peisaj, occupies a symbolic centrality of the city and therefore aims to be read as an invitation to redefine and intensify the use of public space and its relation with greenery.
The proposal consists of an ephemeral structure hosting a tree nursery and open spaces for public activities. The installation can be seen as an open test for how public space can be used, designed, and perceived. Having in mind the ongoing urban transformation of the area, the proposal wants to open new perspectives and debates around the uses and temporalities of the city and its engagement with various communities and institutions.
Once finished its temporal life-cycle, after hosting them, the intervention will provide new trees and plants to be planted around the City—according to the citizens demands for new green spaces, following a 100% reuse logic. Beyond understanding the proposal as symbolic milestone, the project aims to host and boost activities around or within it where the natural and the domestic merge.
The intervention, sited in Timisoara’s city center, had to function for one year as an urban activator, problematizing how public space is created, used, and perceived by people, pre-cisely in an extremely sensitive, central, and contested place in the city: exactly where the Revolution sparked in 1989, Victory Square, a public space that was designed as a promenade but doesn’t really function as a proper square, with its ornamental non-accessible green area structuring the circulation and dividing the space.
For a city such as Timisoara, hosting the European Capital of Culture 2023 has a deep meaning. Not only for the city and its citizens, but also regarding its immediate EU context, opening a dialogue with the rest of cities of Europe and the common shared guidelines among them. What is the city of the future and what role do nature and more sustainable models play in it? It was less important that it was a tower -or its materiality-, than the fact that the installation -a temporary nursery- contains plants that in the future will be planted along the city gener-ating a debate about its future urbanism.
The project started as a statement towards public space. Providing in the future its 1306 plants to the city of Timisoara, the construction aims to be understood as a general reflection on decision making policies about public space and, specifically, about its management, in this case through greenery.
The tower aims to boost an urban and political debate while adding a new dimension to the accustomed perception of the square. In the last decades we have witnessed a process of black-boxing— a process of occultation of the assets of cities and their management—. Therefore, bringing to the centre of the city a public nursery, aims to make visible a layer that sometimes remains hidden while allowing to emerge a statement about the policies and pub-lic spaces.
Public Space
Timisoara is undergoing a process of urban transformation. Therefore, the project has in mind the future transformation of Victory Square, a very symbolic and visible place, inviting to a new understanding of a friendlier and more sustainable public space —from its drainage to how it allows ecosystems to live together—, diverting from recent proposals such as the one for Liberty Square, next to the site, where part of the green was removed and substituted by pavement.
The installation could be seen therefore as an open test for public space where people are invited to understand plants as agents able to regulate climate in cities but also to boost pub-lic occupation. Having in mind the future urban transformations of the area, the project aims to open new perspectives and debates around the uses and temporalities of the city and its engagement with various communities and institutions.
Once finished its temporary life-cycle, after hosting them, the intervention will provide new trees and plants to be planted around the City, following a 100% re-use logic. The open de-bate about how, and where, becomes therefore central to the core of the installation.
The installation works mainly as a place for events, an alternative outdoor cultural infrastruc-ture for small-scale activities like gardening workshops, micro-exhibitions, guided tours but also as a scene for sound and movement performances. Also, in a flat landscape where all rooftops are private, a vertical proposal offers a unique view over the city, while providing information regarding the heritage of Timisoara—both built and botanical.
Being aware of the role that nature and, more broadly, new forms of urbanism will play in the future of our cities, the landscape office Studio Peisaj added to the proposal a deep contex-tual knowledge that ranged from local species to the cultural tradition of horticulture in the area. The Nursery integrates different layers of greenery, from perennial species of trees, shrubs, and flowering plants to annual species (productive and ornamental)- produced in community gardens in Timisoara or at horticultural research and higher education institu-tions from the city.
Studio Peisaj proposed (bio)diverse compositions which bring homage to local landscaping horticulturalists (Wilhelm Múhle, Frantz Niemetz and others), who cultivated land in com-mercial and public gardens, contributing to the city’s booming international reputation. The involvement in the city’s landscaping concept and in the development of modern European horticulture shows us a complex relation with nature and an active entrepreneurial attitude. From another perspective, the installation entails a scenic urban experience between two hypostases. The first one is that of existing and of looking from the outside at the (horizontal or vertical) nature, which is much too often regarded as just a decor. The second hypostasis is immersive, is of being part of the ecosystem, of living in the life of the other living entities, a sort of ecocentrism. Besides biodiversity as a central identity element of Timisoara, the proj-ect is also about care and includes a pedagogical and social dimension. Gardens were, among other places, pedagogical spaces, places of encounter. And, as contemporary public spaces, also spaces for dissent and agonism. It is great that the installation produces constructive conversations about the future, the city and its inhabitants within a frame that goes far be-yond the scale of humans and the city itself.
The Nursery’s Garden represents a large circuit of natural processes. It grew in the local nurs-ery and, once the installation is dismantled, will become a diffuse collective garden. Its vege-tal components become the memory of the Nursery and of Timisoara—2023 European Capital of Culture, improving the city’s landscape.